Personal Branding

Embrace your uniqueness.  My daughter’s favorite outfit is a bright rainbow-esk, tie-dyed pair of pants, highly coordinated with a clashing t-shirt. Always. Does she care?  Heck no. Do people comment on how she “owns it.” Absolutely. She’s not sheepish about it. She’s 12, and she knows it seems “crazy” to...

Dear Corporate World: We’ve been working a schedule based on post-WWII era policies for seven decades now.But, YAWN, we’re, well, over it.  (We’ll pretend to work on your exhibits A-Z to support this, as well as a minimum of 10 scheduled meetings to discuss.)We cozied up...

The pivot. The career change. The "starting over again" feeling. “I did that 20 years ago! I can’t include that in my expertise now.”“I had to shut that company [after 10 years]. Ugh, that does not add to my credibility.”“What I did 5 years ago is...